* Marble Painting- You'll need a cardboard box, heavy-weight paper to fill the bottom, small containers of paint, a spoon and marbles. Drop the marbles into the containers of paint. Have the child scoop the marbles out with the spoon and drop them into the box. Then tip, turn and maneuver the box so the marbles will roll around leaving great designs.
* Blindfold Painting- a great way to talk about disabilities and for the children to experience painting.
* Drip Painting- Tape paper to the ground and allow the children to dip their brushes in the paint. Let the paint drip on the paper to make different designs.
* Easel Painting- NEN (No Explanation Necessary)
* Finger Painting- NEN
* Sponge Painting- NEN
* Foot Painting- Yes, just what it sounds like. Let the children take their shoes and socks off and dip their toes and feet in the paint. Great designs will appear!
* Glitter Painting- Allow the children to paint a great design, then before it dries, let them sprinkle salt on their art.
* Shaving Cream Painting- Squirt shaving cream onto a protected table top and allow the children to finger paint with it. You could add coloring to this. Spray some water on the cream if it gets dried out or stiff.
* Utensil Painting- Provide a variety of utensils for the children to paint with. The designs are spectacular!
* "Thing" Painting- Provide materials such as, cotton swabs, eyedroppers, cotton balls, hair pins, corks, popsicle sticks, toothbrushes, etc.